Multimedia Specialist

(MULTIMEDIA-SPEC-v1.1.AC1) / ISBN : 978-1-64459-253-3
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About This Course

Start your prep for the CIW certification exam with the CIW Multimedia Specialist course. The CIW certification training comprehensively covers the certification exam objectives and provides understanding on the topics such as creating graphical images for the Web, publishing video content to the Web, copyright, ethics, and legal considerations; creating content for a video project, and developing video for mobile devices. The practice tests and other learning resources will help you gain an understanding of all the basic and advanced concepts covered in the certification exam.

Skills You’ll Get

The fifth course in the CIW Web and Mobile Design series is Multimedia Specialist. The CIW Multimedia Specialist course concentrates on the techniques and tactics for preparing, creating, editing, and publishing video files for the Web and mobile devices. The CIW Multimedia Specialist certification exam focuses on the topics such as advanced video and audio development rather than page creation or user interface design.

Get the support you need. Enroll in our Instructor-Led Course.


8+ Lessons | 469+ Exercises | 140+ Quizzes | 65+ Flashcards | 65+ Glossary of terms


56+ Pre Assessment Questions | 3+ Full Length Tests | 114+ Post Assessment Questions | 213+ Practice Test Questions


Introduction to Multimedia on the Web

  • What Is Multimedia?
  • Multimedia and Your Web Presence
  • Multimedia Job Roles and Searches
  • Current Multimedia Capabilities
  • Animation and the Web
  • Audio and the Web
  • Video and the Web
  • Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality
  • Multimedia and Today's Mobile Devices
  • Multimedia and User Interaction
  • Selecting the Right Multimedia Elements
  • Integrating Multimedia into a Website
  • Accessibility and Privacy Issues
  • Project Management Tasks in Multimedia Development Strategies
  • Website Issues and Solutions
  • Standards for Leadership Techniques and Customer Service Strategies
  • Time Management Analysis
  • Lesson Summary

Creating Graphical Images for the Web

  • Digital Imaging Concepts
  • Raster vs. Vector Graphics
  • Graphics Applications
  • Image File Formats
  • Creating and Optimizing Images
  • Essential Graphic Design Concepts
  • Digital Photography Concepts
  • Creating Images for Mobile Platforms
  • Image Metadata and Tagging
  • Publishing Images to the Web
  • Lesson Summary

Planning Multimedia Content for the Web

  • Determining Your Audience
  • Getting Data From Your Audience
  • Making Data-Driven Decisions
  • Addressing the Audience
  • Presenting a Case for Multimedia
  • Presenting a Draft of Multimedia Content
  • Developing a Storyline
  • Writing a Script
  • Creating the Storyboard
  • Gathering Multimedia Elements
  • Multimedia Bandwidth Considerations
  • Asset Storage Management
  • Lesson Summary

Preparing to Capture High-Quality Video Content

  • Equipment, Resources and Talent for Video Creation
  • Setting Up Equipment
  • Environment for Capturing Video and Audio
  • Proper Lighting for Video
  • Backlighting vs. Frontlighting
  • Use Multiple Cameras in Video
  • Using Microphones Effectively
  • Bumper Music for Videos
  • Choosing the Right Shot
  • The Purpose of Zooming
  • Creating Wide-Angle Shots
  • Creating Cutaway Shots
  • Changing Angles
  • Planning a Video Clip to Promote a Business
  • Lesson Summary

Creating Content for a Video Project and Developing Video for Mobile Devices

  • Recording the Video
  • Recording Live Audio
  • Incorporating Still Images into Video
  • Incorporating Sound Effects and Clips into Video
  • Adding Bumper Music and Titles
  • Using "B-Roll" for Alternative Footage
  • Cross-Device Compatibility for Video
  • Video Formats for Mobile Devices
  • Bandwidth Considerations for Mobile Devices
  • Native Development Tools for Mobile Devices
  • Responsive Design and Mobile Video
  • Lesson Summary

Editing Video Content

  • Using Video-Editing Software and Techniques
  • Determining Video and Topic Lengths
  • Panning a Video or Image
  • Inserting Additional Media
  • Removing Common Video Errors
  • Editing Audio Files in Audacity
  • Repairing Audio Issues in Audacity
  • Rearranging Video Sequence
  • Applying Metadata Tags
  • Using Closed Captioning
  • Implementing Accessibility Compliance
  • Lesson Summary

Publishing Video Content to the Web

  • Video Hosting Platforms and Options
  • Incorporating Video Into HTML5 Pages
  • Publishing Video to Website and a Learning Management System (LMS)
  • Publishing Video to a Cloud Service Provider
  • Testing Your Website on Multiple Browsers
  • Lesson Summary

Copyright, Ethics, and Legal Considerations

  • Copyright Laws Affecting Video and Audio Development
  • Why Accessibility?
  • Netiquette and Cultural Considerations
  • Legal vs Ethical Issues
  • Why Consider Global Laws?
  • Security Standards
  • How Does Ethics Affect Videos?
  • Lesson Summary

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The exam contains Not mentioned on the official site questions.

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Here are the retake policy:

  • If a candidate passes a CIW exam, the candidate will not be allowed to retake that CIW exam.
  • If the CIW exam objectives change, the exam ID changes to reflect the new exam version. Candidates who have passed an exam may sit a newer version of the exam that may have the same title but a different ID number.
  • If a candidate fails a CIW exam on his or her first attempt, a 24-hour waiting period is required between the first and second sittings of that CIW exam.
  • Candidates who fail the second attempt at a CIW exam are required to wait for a period of no fewer than thirty (30) calendar days from the date of the previous sitting before any third or subsequent sitting of the same CIW exam.
  • There is no limit on the number of attempts a candidate may make on an exam, so long as the 30 day wait period is observed.

CIW certifications do not expire.

Multimedia Specialist


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